Thursday, 13 January 2011

Don't let bad health get in your way!

It's obvious that a lot of teenagers and kids don't get the daily amount of fruit and veg they need in a day.Maybe because they don't like eating their greens, it's disgusting or they just can't be bothered. All the same excuses repeated all the time. The unpleasant feeling you get when you don't look good or feel a little over weight can be depressing. Many teenagers worry their butts of about the fact that they don't look as good as the models they see on magazines. It's truly nothing to worry about because most of them have been airbrushed to perfection, just remember true beauty comes from the heart. 
(So it's best for you to have a healthy heart!) We all know when you look good, you surely feel good. 

I was once overweight, until I saw and realised what my weight could have done to my life. I got advice from experts, websites and friends on what I could do to stop my bad habit of constantly eating unhealthy, useless snacks. That's when I began to have a healthy diet that gave me that great feeling I always wanted and got me feeling more confident in anything I do. I mean come on, nobody wants to be walking around the street feeling like they look over weight and unattractive.

The best thing to do is to avoid looking like you don't get fed, it's not a good look and can also be dangerous to your health. A good influence on the body is your proteins as they keep you growing and make you look impressing :).

what teenagers don't realise is that eating healthy could change their life styles in an unregretable way. All around the world, people die at a young age due to their health issues. Do you want to prevent this from happening to you? Then this blog is the way forward!

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